Categories: Children Orthodontics

When is the Best Age to See An Orthodontist?

Irvine, CA – As a parent, there are so many things to take into consideration when caring for our children. There are doctor visits for checkups, dentist visits, and all of the duties associated with school and extracurricular activities. But it is also important to add visits with the orthodontist into your list of priorities for your child.

“The American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children have their first orthodontic visit at the age of seven,” says  Dr. Sophia Updike, an Irvine orthodontist. “This isn’t on most parent’s radar, though. When people think of braces and orthodontists, they usually think of a teenager, but there are many reasons why your child should visit an orthodontist early.”

If your child is over the age of seven but hasn’t seen an orthodontist yet, here is a list of reasons why you should schedule a consultation today.

  1. An orthodontist can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging permanent teeth, even while there are still baby teeth present.

  2. Your child’s teeth may look straight to you, but there could be an issue that only a trained orthodontist will be able to spot.

  3. Your child’s bite may be fine today, but there could be something the orthodontist sees that could pose an issue later.

  4. Early treatment may be able to prevent more serious issues from appearing later, and can make treatment at a later age easier and faster, and in some cases, may be able to prevent future treatment altogether.

  5. The orthodontist may be able to achieve results that otherwise couldn’t be achieved once the jaw and face have stopped growing.

“Early interceptive treatment can help us guide jaw growth, correct oral habits that can be damaging, and improve both the appearance and function of your child’s bite,” says Dr. Updike, who treats orthodontic patients of all ages. “A straight smile is not only beautiful, but will function properly and can ensure better oral health.”

Orthodontists are trained to spot subtle problems, that if left untreated, could lead to bigger issues as the child grows. If we wait until all of the permanent teeth have erupted and jaw growth is near completion, it can make the orthodontist’s job harder and treatment can take longer to complete.

“Typically, even if we discover an issue at the age of seven, we will take a wait and see approach,” says Dr. Updike. “We’ll recommend periodic visits so we can monitor your child’s growth and bite, so we can make the decision to start treatment at the best time to have the best outcome. My goal is to provide each patient I treat with a beautiful, properly functioning bite, and that means we need to begin the appropriate treatments at the right time.”

Initial orthodontic consultations at Updike Orthodontics are always free of charge, and there is no obligation. The first visit will allow Dr. Updike to assess the need for treatment through diagnostic tests. To schedule your consultation today, call 949-870-9713.


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